Corps Clothing
Building esprit-de-corps, one clothing at a time!
Welcome to the 2051 Dragoons Parent Committee

Get Your Corps Clothing – Show Your Dragoon Pride!
Being part of the 2051 19th Alberta Dragoons isn’t just about wearing a uniform on training nights and special occasions. Now, with Corps Clothing, cadets, parents, family, and friends can carry Dragoon pride beyond the parade square! Corps Clothing is perfect for sports nights, competitions, and special events where the dress uniform isn’t required. And the best part? Every purchase helps support our unit.
First Order: December 5, 2024
Here’s why you don’t want to miss out on this first order by 05 DECEMBER:
Pride and Unity: Corps Clothing brings us together as a team, creating a sense of belonging, camaraderie, and pride. Let’s make a strong impression at every event!
Support for Our Cadets: Proceeds from each sale go directly back to the 2051 Dragoons Parent Committee to help fund new equipment, activities, and future orders – expanding what’s available for our cadets and supporters.
One-Time Mass Order with Future Availability: We’re starting with a mass order to ensure everyone has access to Corps Clothing! This order will also include a bulk purchase of extra items in various sizes, which will be available for sale at the canteen. Following this initial order, we’ll establish a regular schedule for future orders.
Affordable for All: We believe every cadet should have the chance to represent our Corps with pride. Financial assistance may be available; cadets interested can reach out confidentially to the Commanding Officer or the Parent Committee President.
Let’s wear our Corps Clothing proudly and show everyone what it means to be a Dragoon! For questions, please contact 2051chair@armycadetleagueab.ca.